Watch these videos and follow along with your GRAB 'N' GO STEM Package. Be sure to watch the videos that go along with your STEM PACKAGE
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Lesson 3. Newton's Lab of Motion
Discovering the science of MOTION while bowling...with FROGS?
Explore Newton's third law of motion with an air powered STOMP rocket!
Wear the "Cat-Catcher" like a baseball glove and explore Newton's 2nd law!
Lesson 4. Perfect Paleontology
Transform into a Jr Paleontologist while digging out REAL dino-era fossils you can keep!
Perfect Paleontology includes three different digs!
Add to your fossil collection with REAL fossilized shark teeth!
Lesson 5. Electrified Robotics
Easily program a HI-TECH robot! Use up to 100 commands to complete your own obsticle course. This robot comes pre-built and ready to RUN.
Draw a line! The Line-Tracker Robot will follow your every command. Choose your robot's path with a simple black marker!
Feel the POWER! Use a Handheld Static Generator to make your hair stand up, lift up paper, or even fly cool metallic shapes through the air!
Lesson 1. Amazing Light Lab
Will light BEND or BOUNCE? Project cool images on the wall with a real Animal Projector!
Explore the Stars in the Sky as you send constellations flying all over the room!
Make you very own LIGHT SHOW using a motorized light-refracting blaster!

Lesson 1. Potential and Kinetic Energy Lab
Explore a world of ENERGY in MOTION! Build a GIANT marble rollercoaster powered by Gravity and YOU!
Enjoy some outdoor fun and social distancing with STEM Batting Practice. Use an ENERGY powered self-pitching machine to hit a home run!
Lesson 2. Supersonic Sound Lab
Use SONIC VIBRATION technology to transform ANY item in your home into a powerful speaker!
Transform into a Rock Star with a real LASER guitar.